Altrusa International of Bedford gives back to the community

BEDFORD – Altrusa International of Bedford met on April 15 at Southland Church of Christ. Sixteen members and one guest were present.

Becky Bailey moved to provide $200 in gifts/supplies to Core Nursing Home thrice a year. The motion passed.

The Lawrence County Museum volunteer sign-up sheet was passed around. 

Loretta Bailey took 20 magazines to each of the six nursing homes. If you have magazines to donate, Altrusa needs them.

Kelly Myers collected books for the free library in Avoca. Kids’ books are in demand, and members were encouraged to find them at garage sales.

Loretta Bailey read thank you’s from Law County Cancer Patient Services and NLCS Scholarship Foundation.

An update was given on the Caps-to-Benches project. Equipment is ready to be installed at the pickleball courts. Sorting and weighing the remaining supply of caps will continue for the next several weeks. The group will start a new project in the fall and partner with the Bedford Parks Department.

The District Six conference is April 19-21 in Plymouth, IN. Members voted to assist with the costs for the club’s delegates, Mary Barnes and Kathleen Row, to attend.

Sara Kern requested the $80 club dues be paid before the May 13 meeting.

Members agreed to give the remaining unsold nuts from the fall fundraiser to Bedford Parks Department and Brent Maudlin.

Becky Bailey will inquire about new Altrusa t-shirts and report back her findings.

Bill Barnes and Kathleen Row will review and suggest revisions for the new membership process.

There was a discussion about how to help Agape Kids House.

Mary Barnes will work on business cards for the club.

Volunteer activities may include placing flags on veterans’ graves and helping at the WBIW Senior Fair on Wednesday, May 22.

The next meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. at Southland Church of Christ on May 13.

For more information about Altrusa, contact Becky Bailey at 812-583-0961 or