Commissioners approve SWCD to ask for additional funds

BEDFORD— On Tuesday morning, The Commissioners approved a request from Lawrence County Soil and Water Conservation District for additional funds to help pay mandatory dues to several organizations.

Stephanie Baker

“The SWCS has previously only asked for $3,000 from the county for our operating budget, which is spent quickly on office supplies, educational materials, and community workshops,” said Stephanie Baker. “USDA covers our computers, office rental, field truck, and some office supplies. However, we are required to be a part of several organizations that assist with grants to benefit residents of Lawrence County. We are asking the county to help pay for these annual dues and the truck insurance necessary for the staff to complete job responsibilities.”

SWCD requested these same funds in 2023, and they were approved, but they were dropped during the budgeting.

In 2023:

  • $1,270 – truck insurance
  • $2,000 – IASWCD annual dues
  • $50 – IDEAA annual dues
  • $755 – NACD annual dues

In 2024:

  • $1,270 – truck insurance
  • $3,732.60 – IASWCD annual dues (this fee increased due to technical staff increases)
  • $50 – IDEA annual dues
  • $775 – NACD annual dues

The request now must be approved by the County Council.