Secretary of State Diego Morales tours Connecta Corporation

INDIANAPOLIS – Secretary of State Diego Morales toured Connecta Corporation in Indianapolis today. Connecta manufactures specialized precision components and parts worldwide for aerospace, commercial, medical, and electronic applications.

The Business Services Division is one of the four divisions under the Indiana Secretary of State’s Office. This visit underscores the importance of Connecta’s contributions to these various industries and their alignment with the goals of the Business Services Division.

Secretary Morales has continually visited manufacturing plants in Indiana and beyond, observing the advanced processes and engineering that enable businesses like Connecta to deliver high-quality components internationally. During Secretary Morales’s official international trips, he toured manufacturing and other production facilities to build relationships and partnerships with the state of Indiana.

“Connecta exemplifies the type of forward-thinking manufacturing that drives Indiana’s economy and positions the Hoosier state as a leader in innovation.  Their dedication to quality and precision serves key industries and contributes significantly to Indiana’s economic growth and job creation,” said Diego Morales, Indiana Secretary of State.

Connecta Precision Manufacturing in Indianapolis produces 150,000-200,000 components annually.

“Here at Connecta, we take great pride in representing American small businesses. Since taking over Connecta, we have not only doubled our headcount but have a strategic plan to become the best aerospace precision manufacturing facility in the U.S. by 2030. At Connecta, we primarily look for attitude and mindset above anything else when hiring and growing our business,” said Patricio M. Daneri, President of Connecta Precision Manufacturing.

Secretary Morales thanks Patricio M. Daneri, Dustin Fischer, and associates of Connecta for the tour and their commitment to the Hoosier state.