Secretary of State Diego Morales tours Toyota Manufacturing of Indiana

PRINCETON– Secretary of State Diego Morales toured the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana plant in the Greater Evansville area of Gibson County today.

The Auto Dealer Services Division is one of the four divisions under the Indiana Secretary of State’s Office. It regulates the process of manufacturing, selling, or salvaging a vehicle.

Secretary Morales has continually visited auto dealers, auto manufacturing facilities, and other industry plants across the state, including Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Honda Manufacturing of Indiana, and General Motors Fort Wayne Assembly Plant.  All these plants are major economic drivers to our state and constant partners throughout our communities.

In addition, Secretary Morales visited the Volkswagen facility in Dresden, Germany.

“The Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana plant was a remarkably well-run operation.  This auto manufacturing plant and others throughout the Hoosier state are a vital source of jobs and uphold an impressive vision of future innovation.  I aim to keep building meaningful relationships within the auto industry and ensure they know of their partner within the Secretary of State’s Office,” said Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales.

The Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana plant in Gibson County has created more than 7,500 jobs and assembled more than 360,000 vehicles last year.

Secretary Morales thanks Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indiana plant officials for the tour and their commitment to the Hoosier state.