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Council And Commissioners Agree To Work On Courthouse Repairs

Last updated on Wednesday, August 29, 2012

(BEDFORD) - Lawrence County Commissioners Bill Spreen and Dave Flinn addressed the county council Tuesday night about needed renovations to the courthouse.

The commissioners requested approval to proceed with those repairs.

The courthouse needs all the windows replaced; tuck pointing and the roof repaired.

The commissioners would like to spend funds generated from the sale of Dunn Hospital to pay for those repairs. However, the council is committed to using a good portion of those funds for economic development.

Councilmen Keith Dillman and Mike Branham says they would like to wait until the group meets with a representative from the Indiana Economic Development Commission on September 8th to learn what the counties best options are before making a decision on how to spend the money.

Both Flinn and Spreen believe there are enough funds to do both, and would rather not borrow the money or use general funds to pay for repairs.

Both groups agree, the courthouse needs renovations and the county needs economic development.

The two bodies of government will continue to work together to determine the best option.

In other business:

* The council approved the additional appropriation of $20,000 to autopsy, ambulance and toxicology fees for the Lawrence County Coroner's Office. Council President Jim Edwards says those fees will stop when the new morgue is built. Coroner John Sherrill is meeting with contractors this morning to finalize plans on the new morgue.

* The council approved the additional appropriations for the removal of asbestos from the courthouse annex and to pay for fuel for patrol cars for the police department.

* The renovations to the Lawrence County Public Defender's office are complete.

* The council approved the annual distribution of the Public Safety Local Option Income Tax for volunteer fire departments.

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