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Commissioners Approve Final Primary Election Polling Places

Last updated on Wednesday, March 23, 2016

(BEDFORD) - Lawrence County Clerk Myron Rainey presented the commissioners with the final primary polling places for their approval Tuesday morning.

"It is not the perfect solution for everyone," Rainey told the commissioners. "But with your approval this is the final list etched in stone and are the best we could do."

There was one change from the previous list - Shawswick 13 will vote at Community Baptist Fellowship instead of Dollens Elementary School.

"The school was not large enough to handle two precincts," Rainey added. "It was just a tight fit with both Shawswick 12 and 13 at the school."

Rainey's goal was to make all the polling places handicapped accessible for the May 3rd Primary Election and he believes he has accomplished that.

Rainey is also looking for poll workers. These are paid positions and include two meals. The positions are also available for 16 and 17-year-olds.

"They can only be clerks," Rainey added. "And everyone will have to attend a training session on the Saturday before the election."

If you are interested in working the polls call (812) 277-2036.

This is the final and approved polling location list:

In other business:

Sheriff Mike Branham reported that there were 103 inmates in the jail Tuesday. Of those 23 were females, 1 Department of Correction hold and 8 inmates are Level 6 felony holds. Those inmates in the past would have been sent to the Department of Correction, but now with the new law they will be held locally.


Emergency Management Director Valerie Luchauer reminded the commissioners it being severe weather preparedness week and about the two state-wide tornado siren tests. She will also be hosting a weather watching meeting on April 19 and a table talk discussion on Ebola and other virus on March 29.

Luchauer continues to address issues with the Americans with Disabilities Act. She reported there were two incidents in 2015 in Lawrence County Circuit Court regarding ADA Regulations and accessibility. The first incident involved the elevator being out of service for several hours and one individual who was a party in a case for half day hearing was unable to get upstairs to the courtroom due to being confined in a wheelchair. The hearing had to be reset for a different day. There was never an official complaint for this incident, but it was cumbersome to the person and to the court calendar.

The second incident involved a man who appeared for a hearing and needing access to a wheelchair, whoever the courthouse was not in possession of a wheelchair, so this man had to sit in a chair with wheels and brought upstairs for his hearing. He did physically complain but never filed a grievance.

Luchauer has since learned that there are wheelchairs at the jail that can be brought to the courthouse when needed.

Another problem was the wheelchair lift was down from time to time. The problems have since been repaired.

There was also a complaint about railing at the ramp area for those who use a cane or other walking device.

Improvements include:

Future 2016 projects include:


The commissioners approved the Health Department Vaccination Fee Schedule


MaryLee Russell, representing Farm Bureau, presented the commissioner with the program called Cowboy Ethics. Rather than lecturing kids or telling them what to believe, it takes them on a journey of self-discovery and goal-setting -- one that inspires them to reach for the best in themselves. Drawing on all three of Jim Owen's books, THE TRY, COWBOY ETHICS, and COWBOY VALUES, it's designed to reach students at an age when new inspirations can elevate their sights and alter their life trajectory. Russell says the program will be presented in April and teachers and law enforcement and others will be invited to the program.

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