Brought to you by WBIW News and Network Indiana
Last updated on Wednesday, December 5, 2007
(LAPORTE) - Things just keep getting stranger in the Northern Indiana city of LaPorte.
Police say two people took a pair of LaPorte fire trucks on a joy ride, with the lights and sirens on.
A 17-year-old LaPorte boy was arrested wearing full firefighter gear. The second person is still being sought.
A sheriff's deputy saw the pumper truck and rescue truck pull out of the station early Monday morning. He began looking for the trucks when a dispatcher told him there wasn't any fire.
The trucks were found abandoned at a cemetery and the deputy caught the teen, who was attempting to run from the scene.
Earlier this week, a drunken LaPorte man allegedly stole an airplane to impress his girlfriend, and set one of its engines on fire, and last Wednesday, a LaPorte man rammed a snowman with his truck, sending the snowman's head through a nearby car window.
Network Indiana contributed to this story.
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