Brought to you by WBIW News and Network Indiana
Last updated on Tuesday, December 9, 2008
(WEST LAFAYETTE) - How would you like to have a new species of bat named after you?
Purdue University is auctioning the naming rights to several new species discovered by researcher John Bickham, a Purdue professor of forestry and natural resources.
Proceeds from the naming project will be used to fund environmental research at Purdue and in the country of the species' origin.
The first species to be named is a relative of the little yellow bat, which lives in Central America. These are the smallest bats in the new world. They weigh just 3 grams and are very colorful.
Those interested in Purdue's species naming initiative can go to a special web site at
Visitors also can find more information about these bats and related research by contacting the Center For The Environment at (765) 494-5146
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