Brought to you by WBIW News and Network Indiana
Last updated on Tuesday, March 4, 2014
(STATEHOUSE) - A bill that would allow people to store guns in their cars on school property is on its way to a conference committee.
The bill passed the House 74-to-24 last night, with supporters saying it will protect parents who can legally carry a gun from prosecution when they visit a school or pick up their kids.
Under the bill, a gun would have to remain out of sight in a locked car on school grounds - it would still be a felony to have gun in the open at a school.
Anti-gun groups such as Moms Demand Action fought the bill, saying it could lead to more school shootings, but Democrats were the only lawmakers to vote against it. The school property portion of the bill was an add-on in the House.
The bill that originated in the Senate only restricted local governments from using taxpayer money to fund gun buyback programs, and differences in the bill will be worked out in conference committee.
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