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State Fire Investigators Assisted 88 Counties in 2015

Last updated on Thursday, January 14, 2016

(INDIANAPOLIS) - Investigators with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) and the State Fire Marshal assisted local fire departments in 88 counties with 549 investigations during 2015.

"Our investigators work around the clock responding to the needs of local fire departments across Indiana," said State Fire Marshal Jim Greeson. "Their efforts supplement the work of local responders and communities to strengthen public safety in our state."

IDHS assists with fire investigations upon request from local departments, and offers additional expertise and staffing.

"The State Fire Marshal investigators are a tremendous resource for local fire departments, especially for volunteer departments who don't have investigators on staff," said Jim Roberts, chief of the Greenfield Fire Department and president of the Indiana Fire Chiefs Association. "Their ability to quickly respond to any fire department in need has been of tremendous help to us in Greenfield and to departments throughout the state."

Quick facts about IDHS-investigated fire cases in 2015:

IDHS encourages all Hoosiers to properly install and maintain smoke alarms throughout all levels of their homes, develop and rehearse fire escape plans, practice cooking safety, and to exercise caution when using alternative heating sources and any other potential fire sources, such as candles. For more information on fire safety and other safety topics, visit GetPrepared.in.gov.

The Indiana State Fire Marshal oversees the IDHS Division of Fire and Building Safety.

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