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Indiana Increases Number Of STEM Certified Schools

Last updated on Tuesday, April 18, 2017

(INDIANAPOLIS) - The Indiana Department of Education released today a list of the most recent schools in Indiana to receive science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) certification. This brings the total number of Indiana STEM Certified Schools to 32.

"A quality education begins with amazing educators and excellent material," said Dr. Jennifer McCormick, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction "Materials rooted in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics help prepare our students for a successful life beyond high school. I want to commend these schools for becoming STEM certified. We are grateful for their passion and dedication."

Schools are chosen to receive certification based on their commitment to teaching the STEM disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math throughout the entire school. STEM Certified Schools exemplify a highly non-traditional approach to education, employing a great deal of inquiry, project based learning, community engagement, entrepreneurship, student centered classrooms, integration into humanities and related arts, and out of school STEM activities. STEM Certified Schools accomplish this while following educational policies set by the state and excelling under the system of accountability.

The following is the most recent list of STEM Certified Schools. To become certified, each applicant went through a rigorous application and review process.

Full STEM Certification:



Full STEM Certified Program- School within a School Model

Approaching STEM School Certification

To learn more about IDOE efforts to increase STEM education across the state or for information on becoming a STEM Certified School, please visit www.doe.in.gov.

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