(BEDFORD) – The Board of Works approved and accepted Lochmueller Contract Amendment number three on the Lincoln Avenue Project for a time extension as well as additional work on the project.
This was needed for additional inspection work as they continue to work on Lincoln Avenue and Fourth and P Streets in Bedford. The contract should not exceed the payment of $90,000.
The Board of Works also approved and accepted the Kings Trucking Change Order Number 7 on the Lincoln Avenue project. This is to fix issues with the sewer system by replacing some pipes on 4th and P streets.
“We do not want to have to tear up the street again to fix the pipes. So, while the Lincoln Avenue project is still going on we want to get the repairs made,” said Bedford Utilities Director Misty Adams.
The project will entail additional sanitary sewer repair and replacement, and new sewer main and laterals along 4th Street. The first project will cost an additional $84,279.12 and the second project will cost $119,570.12.
“We hope to have Lincoln Avenue open by the first week of November weather permitting,” Adams stated.
Board of Works approved and accepted an agreement for services of an additional $1,500 to $2.500. This is to provide and download information to Municipal Bond Revenue Board while bonds are being used for water and sewer projects. By law, the city is required to report revenue and expenditures of the utility during the life of the bond. The bonds were issued in 2018.
Fire Chief Dewayne Turpen changed policies in regard to compensatory time for the fire department. The time allowed in a 28 day period of time is now 144 hours. The original policy was 122 hours in a 28 day period of time. A maximum of 480 hours before the city will have to pay for overtime hours worked will also be enforced.
“This will help the city budget, and for the fire department better to manage overtime expenses. And provide a consistent policy for all three shifts. The policy was not enforced consistently among all the shifts,” Turpen noted.
The board of works approved the request.
Bedford Police Chief Terry Moore recommended that Officer Chase Hamilton be promoted from officer to sergeant. This will be for a probationary period of six months. The Board of Works approved the request.
The city also adopted a public records request policy. The public will now submit a form on the city’s website or by email to request certain records of the city.
“This policy is to better respond to the request for information. Also, this will allow us to let the person making the request know why certain information could not be released; whether that be for confidential information, or we could not locate the information requested, or let them know it may take longer to obtain the information,” said City Attorney Greg Pittman.
The public will be provided a receipt as well as provide them a list of costs for the request of the information.