(BLOOMINGTON) – The Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department is seeking Farmers’ Market customers interested in issues of local food security; supporting local farmers, growers, and food and beverage artisans; and helping encourage a welcoming and diverse Farmers’ Market to serve a two-year term on its Farmers’ Market Advisory Council.
Applicants for these advisory council positions must be City of Bloomington residents.
Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on April 3.
According to Farmers’ Market Coordinator Marcia Veldman, the open positions on the advisory council are for people who will represent the needs and desires of Farmers’ Market customers to Parks and Recreation Department staff, and to the Board of Park Commissioners.
The Farmers’ Market Advisory Council, or FMAC, is comprised of 11 regular voting members, six of whom represent Farmers’ Market vendors and five of whom represent Farmers’ Market customers. Appointments to the FMAC are made by the Board of Park Commissioners.
The FMAC acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Park Commissioners and city Parks and Recreation staff in policy matters pertaining to the facilities and operations of the Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market. FMAC members also cooperate with other civic groups and governmental agencies in the advancement of the Farmers’ Market within the Bloomington community.
FMAC meetings are held on the third Monday of every month at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall, 401 N. Morton St. in Bloomington.
To request an application, contact Marcia Veldman, Farmers’ Market Coordinator, at 812-349-3738, or apply online by April 3 at https://bloomington.in.gov/onboard/committees.