Five questions with Bedford North Lawrence senior Cooper Holmes
Sport: track, cross country; Career choice: Business and Mortuary Science; College: Ivy Tech
Question 1: What lessons did you learn from high school sports?
Holmes: High school sports taught me to develop a work ethic, that you can’t just get by being naturally talented anymore. If you really want to be successful and accomplish goals, you need to put the time and energy into doing so.
Question 2: What is your favorite sports memory?
Holmes: Last year’s track sectional. Yes, I got second place in my race by .29 seconds, but that was a great moment for myself and the seniors, ones like Chance and Drew and Jamey. We knew that we could pull out the title, and when our work paid off and we did, it was the first sectional title any of us had won. That was a special moment.
Question 3: Can you describe your emotions after the season was cancelled?

Holmes: It really hasn’t sunk in yet. I am sad that I didn’t get to run this season because this off-season was one of the most intense I’ve trained, running twice a day. But I’m thankful for all the other seasons I’ve had and for those experiences. This all had to come to an end eventually.
Question 4: What will you miss the most about high school?
Holmes: I will miss the relationships I’ve developed, not only with peers but with teachers and coaches. I will miss the Steak & Shake eats after games and on Fridays and Saturdays with the gang. I’ll miss the teachers that have taught me the required things but also life lessons that will help me in the real world. My coach that has been a mentor and friend since he has been there and has seen myself and my teammates grow in sports and in life.
Question 5: When the social distancing restrictions are lifted, who’s the first person you want to see?
Holmes: I would have to say my teammates, so I don’t have to run alone anymore. It is getting boring by myself, and not laughing and having a good time with them.
Senior Spring Spotlight is a daily feature focusing on BNL’s senior class following the cancellation of the spring sports seasons by the IHSAA in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.