Five questions with Bedford North Lawrence senior Macie Cook
Sport: track; Career choice: Pre Art Therapy; College: Ivy Tech
Question 1: What will you miss most about high school?
Cook: I miss seeing my friends, being on the track team and working on my art classes. I miss seeing my friends because they made my school days fun. I miss participating in meets and I miss practicing my events. Lastly I miss my art classes because they were a stress reliever and I could be creative.
Question 2: Who has been your role model?
Cook: My parents have been my role models because they do not give up. They tell me to not give up on myself and my dreams.
Question 3: Can you describe your emotions when the season was cancelled?
Cook: I was devastated. I was excited to have my last year of track.
Question 4: What did you love about track?
Cook: What I loved was meeting lots of people and being able to compete in the events I loved.
Question 5: When the current restrictions are lifted, who’s the first person you want to see?
Cook: I am going to see several of my friends. Several of them are planning to hang out once the restrictions are lifted.
Senior Spring Spotlight is a daily feature focusing on BNL’s senior class following the cancellation of the spring sports seasons by the IHSAA in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.