Five questions with Bedford North Lawrence senior Reagan Bowman
Sport: track; Career choice: exercise science; College: Anderson University
Question 1: What lessons did playing multiple high school sports teach you?
Bowman: High school sports taught me how to be a leader, and that if you work hard, nothing is unachievable.
Question 2: Who has been your role model?
Bowman: My role model is my brother Caleb. He taught me how to work hard, keep God first, and to keep a good attitude. He’s always been there for me through the ups and downs of my high school career.
Question 3: Can you describe your emotions after the track season was cancelled?
Bowman: I was upset because I feel all the seniors were taken away a last opportunity to get on the track and do something we care about and enjoy.

Question 4: After getting hurt in football, and now missing track, do you feel a little cheated?
Bowman: Yeah, I was looking forward to playing sports that I love and representing BNL for one last time. Now I ended up not getting that final experience. But I am thankful for the times I did get to enjoy in high school.
Question 5: As the restrictions are lifted, who’s the first person you wanted to see?
Bowman: I can’t wait to see everyone in my youth group at church, as well s my grandfather.
Senior Spring Spotlight is a daily feature focusing on BNL’s senior class following the cancellation of the spring sports seasons by the IHSAA in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.