Five questions with Bedford North Lawrence senior Jacob Flinn
Sport: track; Career choice: physical therapy; College: Ivy Tech
Question 1: What do you miss most about high school?
Flinn: What I miss most is seeing my classmates and teachers every day. Since kindergarten, school has been such a big part of my life. It will be a shock to suddenly not have that any more.
Question 2: Who has been your role model?
Flinn: My biggest role model in high school has been Terri Briscoe. She is known to everyone as one of the kindest and caring people you will ever meet. Without her, I would not be pursuing a career in the medical field.
Question 3: Can you describe your emotions when the track season was cancelled?
Flinn: I felt like all the training we had done was all for nothing. Track season is my favorite time of the year, and not having track really took away a sense of accomplishment for all of us seniors.
Question 4: What pointed you toward your future career path?
Flinn: For years, I’ve always wanted to work in the medical field. My health and science teacher, Mrs. Briscoe, is the biggest reason I want to continue down this path. As a former nurse, she was always a great mentor in helping us decide what career best fit us. My anatomy and physiology teacher, Mrs. Holmes, also helped me develop an interest in the medical field.
Question 5: As the restrictions are lifted, who was the first person you wanted to see?
Flinn: I plan on visiting my grandparents, who I have not been able to visit since March. They have always been role models for my whole family, and not being able to see them has been hard for all of us.
Senior Spring Spotlight is a daily feature focusing on BNL’s senior class following the cancellation of the spring sports seasons by the IHSAA in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.