Five questions with Bedford North Lawrence senior Jacob Hobbs
Sport: track; Career choice: mechanical engineering; College: Hanover
Question 1: What will you miss most about high school?
Hobbs: I will miss seeing my friends and teachers in my classes.
Question 2: Who has been your role model?
Hobbs: I looked up to my dad all my life. He has taught me so many good morals throughout my life. He has taught me good work ethic, how to be a good kid and whole lot of other things that have helped me.
Question 3: Can you describe your emotions when the track season was cancelled?
Hobbs: I was pretty bummed knowing the season was cancelled. The throwers had been practicing all winter and it was looking to be a great year.

Question 4: What pointed you toward your future career path?
Hobbs: I have always wanted to be an engineer. When I was little, I would always be hanging out with my grandpa, helping him build tractors and other stuff. He was an engineer. I was really curious to see how things were built and put together, which led me to engineering.
Question 5: As the restrictions are lifted, who was the first person you wanted to see?
Hobbs: The first person I would go see is my grandparents. I’ve missed seeing them. Since the virus, I was only able to talk to them on the phone. So I’ll probably go see them.
Senior Spring Spotlight was a daily feature focusing on BNL’s senior class following the cancellation of the spring sports seasons by the IHSAA in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.