(BEDFORD) – There will be a limited number of tickets for sale in the athletic office for the BNL Lady Stars vs. North Central Panthers game on Friday.
Tickets will be sold to the families of players, cheerleaders, dance team, pep band, and BNL students today until 4:00 p.m. and again on Friday until noon.
Any remaining tickets will be made available to the general public starting at 1:00 p.m. on Friday.
Tickets will NOT be sold at the door on the night of the game.
All-sports passes work as a ticket to home games. You do not need to purchase a ticket for games. You must show your all-sports pass at the door. At this time, officials have suspended the sale of all-sports passes.
For those that wish to view the game live, visit their YouTube channel at www.nlcs.k12.in.us/livestream.
The Athletic Department thanks you for your patience as everyone navigates high school athletics during this pandemic and Go Stars!