BEDFORD – The Bedford North Lawrence Stars Summer Youth Baseball Camp is scheduled for Monday, June 14 through Wednesday, June 17 from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
The camp will be held on the BNL Stars Field on the new turf. If it rains the camp will be held in the high school gym. Make sure to bring tennis shoes.
The cost is $30 per player and $10 for each additional sibling.
Proceeds will go to the RBI Club to help with costs for the baseball program.
Those attending will focus on the fundamentals of baseball – hitting, fielding, base running, throwing, conditioning, games, skills competitions and there will be giveaways.
To register email Coach Jeff Callahan your name, age, shirt size, and league information (Fayetteville, Heltonville, Boys & Girls Club, or other) to callahanj@nlcs.k12.in.us or call 812-583-3197.