OOLITIC – Monday, August 29th, the Oolitic Town Council held its regularly scheduled meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Oolitic Town Hall. During the meeting, town officials learned about progress on the town’s stormwater project.
Tangie Jenkins (President), Steve Kerr (Council Member), John Dillon (Council Member), Jon Broglin (Council Member), Greg Pittman (Town Attorney), and Annette Norrick (Clerk-Treasurer) were present.
Drew Flamion from Commonwealth Engineering spoke briefly on the town’s stormwater project updates.
Flamion presented the project schedule and had Adam Stark from Mitchell & Stark present a timeline for the project. Work will begin at 6th and Oak street, moving to Hall Avenue, and finishing at Mathis.
Flamion stated there are two main conflicts with the gas company and those resolutions are scheduled for the third week of September tentatively. A brief discussion about the gas move information occurred.
Flamion stated the approximate finish date for the project is around Thanksgiving which makes the overall project timeline around a month behind the original schedule. For now, no additional time request from OCRA will be needed.
He then provided an update on utilities regarding the Stormwater project.
Both men discussed working with Duke Energy on relocating utilities. Both men will work with the
Town of Oolitic Street Department for water relocates needed.
Carla Hettle requested advance notice of water shut-off times so she can notify residents in advance when work is being completed. Flamion said he will coordinate with Hettle on the road closures and give advance notice to all county emergency personnel and school officials.
The next stormwater project update meeting is tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m. on September 26th prior to the regular Oolitic Town Council meeting.
Michelle Carrico from Commonwealth Engineering and Flamion had a brief discussion about subcontractors for the project. Residents affected by the project will be given a week’s notice before work begins.