City of Seymour activates a new system that will change stop lights to green for emergency vehicles

SEYMOUR – The City of Seymour is activating a new system that will stop traffic signals on some busy streets when emergency vehicles approach the intersections.

The emergency traffic light preemption system will be along U.S. 50 (Tipton Street) and at the intersections of Broadway and Second streets and Ewing and Sixth streets.

When an emergency vehicle approaches a traffic light, the light will turn green for the emergency vehicle and all other signals will turn red until the emergency vehicle passes through the intersection.

A constant white light indicates an emergency vehicle is approaching from behind, making the public aware to move forward through the green light and move out of the way.

A flashing white light indicates motorists need to stop until emergency vehicles have cleared the area.

City officials say the system will improve safety by reducing crashes between emergency vehicles and other drivers, as well as reduce emergency response times in the city.

Seymour is starting preemption services with firetrucks but other emergency vehicles will be using the system in the near future. Each vehicle will have a special code to access the preemption devices.

The system cost a total of $205,000 and was funded with American Rescue Plan Act funds.