Car is stolen with the child alone inside

INDIANA – A vehicle was stolen in Indianapolis, with a 7-month-old child alone inside on Tuesday, May 2. According to news reports, the mother left the child in the vehicle alone while she was visiting a home when it was stolen. 

An Amber Alert was issued for the missing child. Later that night, police confirmed the child had been found and safe.

Contrary to what many believe, this is not a rare occurrence. Already this year, Kids and Car Safety has documented 75 children who were left alone in a vehicle that was then stolen. Every year we see an increase in these cases as the temperatures get cooler. 

Although the victims of these types of incidents typically survive, it is incredibly traumatizing for everyone involved. Incidents like this are very easily avoidable by never leaving a child alone in a vehicle. 

Thieves watch for vehicles to be left unattended with the keys inside. Most of the time, they don’t realize that there is a child inside until after they have already stolen the vehicle. 

Car thefts happen even in the safest neighborhoods. It only takes a few seconds for a car thief to jump into a vehicle and be gone. 

Tips for parents:

  1. Never leave a child of any age or pet alone in a vehicle, not even for a minute.
  2. Use drive-thrus or curbside pickup so you don’t have to leave your vehicle.
  3. If a business doesn’t offer curbside delivery, call upon arrival and ask them to bring your order to your car. Most people are more than happy to accommodate you when you tell them you have small children. It takes a village!
  4. Keep car doors locked and keys on your person when pumping gas with children inside the vehicle.

For more information on the dangers children face when left alone in vehicles visit this website