Bridge 150 work delayed, Lawrence County safety plans in place for upcoming events

BEDFORD – Highway Superintendent Brandi Webb reported to the commissioners Tuesday morning that delays continue on Bridge 150.

Brandi Webb

The closing of the bridge has been delayed until Frontier Communications gets their lines moved and CSX Railroad approves the demolition plan.

Bridge 150 is a continuous encased steel beam bridge constructed around 1930-1935 

“Both have still not been done,” she added. “Once those two things are done we close the bridge around 30 days after that. We are hoping to start in August.”

The Lawrence County Commissioner approved a contract with CLR for $2.6 million to replace Bridge 150. The county will pay $319,536.10.

Crews completed the replacement of a box culvert on Back Creek Road.

The Highway Department has received two of three mowing tractors and crews were out this morning mowing.

Road striping has been completed on Tunnleton, SandPit, and Vinegar Hill roads and Dixie Highway.

Webb will be applying for a $1 million Community Crossing Grant.

Paving will begin at the end of June or the beginning of July weather providing.

“We should be finished up before school starts,” Webb added.

Emergency Management Director Valerie Luchauer said safety plans are in place for several free community events in Lawrence County.

Valerie Luchauer

“We had a lot of events this past weekend and more coming up,” she added. “All our resources are in place. I hear the Judah Festival had record numbers attending. It was a nice weekend to be in Lawrence County.”

Luchauer is working with Lawrence County Fair officials to create an emergency response plan for the fair scheduled for July 8th-15th.