Berries and Cherries available at the Bloomington Community Farmers Market

BLOOMINGTON – You will find berries and cherries at Bloomington Community Farmers Market on Saturday.

Visit the market on Saturday to get some sweet fruit treats from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Showers Commons at 401 North Morton Street.

Sweet Cherries – A favorite at the Market. This wonderful seasonal fruit is a highly anticipated treat every year and can be enjoyed in early summer at the Farmers’ Market. Tart cherries with red flesh contain extremely high levels of anthocyanin antioxidants — the same ones found in blueberries, red wine, and other dark red or purple berries.

Cherries and Blueberries

Red Raspberries – Raspberries are a summer favorite for many to make jams and enjoy in the summer months. These delicate berries are only available for a very limited time.

Gooseberries – Once prepared, you can eat gooseberries as a healthy snack. Alternatively, add them to a fruit salad, use them as a topping on cereal or yogurt, or mix them into a fresh summer salad. Gooseberries are also used in cooked and baked dishes, such as pies, tarts, chutneys, compote, and jams.


Mulberries – Compared to other berries, mulberries don’t have a very strong flavor. Their taste is similar to a mild-flavored blackberry. However, this makes them very versatile when cooking. Use them just as you would any other berry – in pies, jams, cobblers, oatmeal, bread, smoothies, etc. Mulberries can also be used in savory dishes. Simmered down and strained, mulberry juice is a great sauce for steak or it could be used in a vinaigrette for salad.

Red Raspberries and Mulberries

Music at the Market

The Thistle Sisters’ music is a mix of folk, country, classic pop, and Americana played on string instruments with female vocal harmonies.

Thistle Sisters

The Thistle Sisters regularly play farmers’ markets in Indianapolis but have recently relocated to Monroe County.