Festival fireworks light up Bedford’s sky

BEDFORD – A thunderous display lit up the night sky with fireworks Saturday evening at downtown Bedford on the square.

Attended by hordes of festival-goers, the Limestone Heritage Festival featured Fireworks at 10 p.m. along J Street in Bedford. The Street was blocked off to facilitate the event. Lawn chairs lined J Street, though many attendees found spots in the surrounding streets, at the Bedford Public Library, and everywhere in between.

Before the fireworks began, people milled through the various food vendors. eating ice cream, drinking lemon shake-ups, and enjoying the live music from Harp Commons.

Further down the street, mother Diovionne created murals in chalk with her two daughters Zendaya (six) and Zyanna (four) while they waited for the show. Diovionne has lived in the area her whole life, but this year’s festivities were her first time attending the fireworks at the Limestone Heritage Festival. She looked forward to the fireworks and taking her girls for ice cream at a nearby vendor after.

Maddox (six) and Grant (five) posed with sparklers and glowsticks, so excited about the fireworks that they almost glowed themselves. “We love it,” Their mother Lacy, sitting nearby with the rest of their family, said. “It’s something we do every year – and we just moved into town, so we’ve never been this close before.”

From newcomers to regulars at the festival, all enjoyed the lights, sounds, and fun. The fireworks were a blast, the show lasting roughly fifteen minutes, with a stunning grand finale that had the crowd cheering as it came to an end. The vendors closed shortly after, at 11 p.m., allowing festival-goers to grab a final snack before leaving.