Lawrence County Fair Dog Obedience Show

LAWRENCE COUNTY – This morning, beginning at 9 a.m., kids of all ages filed into the show barn at the Lawrence County Fairgrounds to show their furry friends off for the judges.

Some of the entries include minis like eight-year-old Brynleigh McKnight and six-year-old Rhett Duncan.

Older contestants have been showing for years, despite their youth.

“I just like being here interacting with my animals and them not being home all the time.” Though it’s only her second year showing in the dog section, 14 year old Marissa Blais is more than comfortable with the process after years of showing in other categories. “Dog [showing] isn’t my main,” she said, “I also show horses, chickens, and pigs too.”

Marissa’s younger brother, Wyatt Blais, 11 years, also has experience in showing, having shown Jack for three years in a row. Wyatt’s favorite part of the fair is riding the horses that he and his his family shows. His horse, “Buckeye, one of the big tall ones” is a thoroughred. His mother, Chasey Blais, commented that her kids liked riding more than the groundwork involved in showing.

Dog Club President Sierra England with her American Standard canine Sasha

Sierra England, President of the 4-H Dog club, has been showing for three years. “I love it so much, and it’s definitely given me a lot of leadership skills.”

Her Vice President Elizabeth King was nearby. Elizabeth was the club’s president in 2022, but she needed more time for her other interests, such as her place on the Horse Club Committee and position as treasurer. “I was president last year and vice president this year,” she said “I show horses too, so being vice president lets me have more time.”

Vice President Elizabeth King and Australian Shepard Scout

Elizabeth’s dog is an Australian Shepard whose name comes from a childhood fixation.

“I was obsessed with the ‘My Dog A Champion’ movie about an Australian Shephard named Scout, so when I got an Australian Shepard when I was 10, she ended up named Scout.”

While some of the participants readied to show off their pets, the others chattered with each other or led their dogs through the steps of showing in front of a crowd and judges. Proud parents, grandparents, and friends lined the bleachers, cameras and phones poised for pictures of the right moment.

Friday and Saturday have been great starts to the Lawrence County Fair despite a bit of rain. For more information about upcoming events, you can visit
