Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence County Back-to-School Bash a success

BEDFORD – The Boy’s and Girl’s Club in Bedford had a big turnout at their Back-to-School Bash. Held Saturday from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m., the event provided free haircuts, school supplies, candy, popsicles, activities, a bounce house, and games.

Within the first hour, the 100 backpacks ready for students to take were completely cleared out, but guests, students, and parents continued to show up, partaking in the fun activities and free haircuts for the rest of the day.

A colorful “candy-land” themed path leads incomers to the various stations. On the right, the line for haircuts stretches out.

While there was never an over-crowding of the back-to-school event, there were plenty of people around, and kids tromped from one activity to another, popsicles in hand.

Balloons over doorways, colorful signs, and Candy Land rainbow paths lead students and families from one station to the other.

Marley Mccullough, almost 3, sits on the left mixing the separated beads with Addisyn Farmer, 5, and Kelly Sullivan.

Addisyn, despite only being five, has been in school already, so is a veteran of the education system. She was making a beautiful bracelet.

With his mom Haley Unger watching, Hudson Cooper, only five years old, fishes in the little pond for fun.

It’s not Hudson’s first year in school, but it will be his first year in the Oolitic school. His mother expressed slight concern at the change in location.

“We moved from Bedford to Oolitic, so his friend group will be different,” said Haley, “But he loves school, he’s great at it.”

Kayla Kellams waits with her daughter Atalie Kellams, 14, and Benjamin Terry, 7, for free ice pops.

The Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence County is doing wonderful things for the youth of Bedford, and providing free supplies for the school year is just one of them.

To learn more about the Boys & Girls Club of Lawrence County click here.