City accepts retirement of Bedford Fire Chief John Hughes

BEDFORD – The City of Bedford Board of Public Works and Safety held a special meeting today at StoneGate Arts & Education Center to accept the retirement of Bedford Fire Department Chief John Hughes.

Chief John Hughes

Chief Hughes has served the department for more than 32 years. His command will end at 4 p.m. on August 11.

The board approved his request to retire unanimously. Chief Hughes did not attend the meeting.

Left to right Judy Carlisle, Mayor Sam Craig, Billie Tumey

“I want to thank Chief Hughes for his 32 years of service,” said Mayor Sam Craig. “He did an outstanding job for the city. I want to honor him for his dedicated service and give him thanks. He did an outstanding job for the City of Bedford.

Mayor Craig has not appointed an interim or new fire chief.

“I have started the process but have no time frame on when that announcement will be made,” he added.