Teen detained at BNL after acting strange in class

BEDFORD – A Bedford teen was detained Monday after a school resource officer at BNL received a message from a teacher at the North Lawrence Career Center that a student was acting “strange and not like himself in class.”

After the class ended the teacher reported the 15-year-old male student could not stand up straight and was having trouble walking and almost fell over.

The officer spoke to the student who reported “he was tired and didn’t get enough sleep.”

But the officer said the student’s speech was slurred and his eyes were bloodshot and he could “barely keep his head up while talking with him.”

The officer had the teen stand and attempt a horizontal gaze nystagmus test but the teen was unable to complete the test.

The school nurse was then alerted. The teen repeatedly said he had not taken any medication or illegal drugs.

While walking to see the nurse, the teen kept staggering and had to be helped down the stairs. As soon as the teen entered the nurse’s office the teen went to sleep.

After being medically cleared the teen was woke and escorted to the principal’s office.

The teen agreed to have his backpack searched but refused to have his person searched and became irate and requested his grandfather be alerted.

Bedford Police officers then responded due to the teen’s combative behavior.

When officers attempted to place the teen into handcuffs he became upset and pulled away from the officers and had to be taken to the floor.

The teen yelled and cursed at the officers, causing a disturbance. Once outside the teen continued erratic behavior.

Police did find a Mr. Fog vaping device in the teen’s pocket.

The teen was detained on charges of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and public intoxication and juvenile probation was alerted.