911 call made by neighbor to break up violent domestic fight

FORT RITNER – Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department deputies responded to a home in the 4000 block of Fort Ritner Road on Tuesday, November 7th after Central Dispatch received a 911 at 11:22 a.m. reporting a domestic fight.

Kobe Stancombe

A male went to a neighbor’s house to have them call 911 after a woman was pinned to the ground in a garage and 21-year-old Kobe Stancombe was “beating her”. Lawrence County deputies and Indiana State Troopers rushed to the scene.

Police found the woman standing near the intersection of Perry and Nancy streets.

She told police she and Kobe Stancombe had an argument. During that argument, Stancombe grabbed her by the neck and attempted to pick her up. She then fell to the ground and Stancombe grabbed her by the shirt and repeatedly slammed her to the ground causing her to bump her head off the ground.

She was medically evaluated by a Shawswick Fire Territory ambulance crew and refused to be transported to the hospital.

The female signed a battery affidavit.

Stancombe told police he and his girlfriend had been arguing and she slipped and fell on the garage floor hitting her head. He denied injuring the woman. He did say the woman had slapped him in the right arm.

The male caller told police that the couple had been arguing all morning and he witnessed Stancombe slam the woman on the ground. He told police he ran to a neighbor’s house to have them call 911 because he did not have a cell phone.

Stancombe was detained on a charge of domestic battery.