Monroe County Waste Management District will launch a new name, logo, and website in 2024

BLOOMINGTON – The Monroe County Waste Management District will launch a new name, logo, and website in January 2024.

Monroe County Waste Management District is now the Waste Reduction District of Monroe County.

The new website address will be

Its new slogan is “Our World, Our Responsibility.”

Tom McGlasson Jr.

“The name change from gogreendistrict reflects a more focused and responsibility approach to promote alternatives to final disposal, which is particularly important since Monroe County does not have an operating final disposal facility,” said Executive Director Tom McGlasson, Jr. “All waste generated in Monroe County must be transported to an out-of-county permitted final disposal facility. Reducing the amount of material transported will have a positive environmental impact by reducing Monroe County’s carbon footprint. We want to thank our Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) for being an involved part in this effort. We think the waste reduction phrase conveys a stronger focus on what is at stake, and the
obligation to act will underscore the importance of the district’s mission and the benefit it has to
the community. In rebranding, the District continues to challenge the public to reduce their waste and manage it wisely and asks the public to make a personal pledge of environmental responsibility in waste reduction, as a priority in their lives.”

How households, businesses, and communities reduce and manage their waste impacts all facets of society, from jobs to health, and that’s why the District has rebranded to a name, website, and logo change- to reflect the emphasis on waste reduction, in its mission, and its services.

The District is South Central Indiana’s leader in green business initiatives, education, and waste and recycling management. Check out the District at

The District challenges you to make reducing waste a priority.