BEDFORD – Martha Turner, Lawrence County Bookkeeper, has applied for the position of Lawrence County Auditor.
She was hired in May 2016 by former County Auditor Jody Edwards as the County Bookkeeper and still holds that position. She brings a vast amount of knowledge of budgets, audits, annual reports, and numerous other accounting functions to the office.
The Lawrence County Republican Central Committee, with Party Chairman Heath Hawkins as Chairman of the Caucus, will be holding a caucus on Saturday, January 6, 2024, to appoint a replacement to the vacated Lawrence County Auditor position due to the resignation of Lawrence County Auditor Jessica Staggs.
All Lawrence County Precinct Committee People are eligible and encouraged to vote in the Caucus. If a Precinct Committee Person cannot attend, the Vice Precinct Committee Person for their designated precinct can vote in their stead.
Lawrence County GOP Caucus for Lawrence County Auditor Saturday, January 6, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. in Brinegar Hall in the Stonegate Arts and Education Center at 931 15th Street in Bedford.
She has worked with and alongside the County Commissioners, County Council, State Board of Accounts, and Department of Local Government Finance.
Turner has attended numerous County Auditor Conferences, networking with County Auditors and staff from across the state. During her time in the Auditor’s Office, she has weathered the challenges of COVID-19 in the workplace and a cyber-attack. She has recently jumped into converting the County’s new financial software.
Additionally, she serves as a Lawrence County Court Appointed Special Advocate and is a current
member and past President of the Lawrence County Women’s Republican Club. She is a member of the
Landmark Missionary Baptist, where she currently serves as Treasurer and Sunday School teacher.
She lives in Bedford and has one son, Ryan, who lives in Williams with his wife Trisha, and a grandson