ORLEANS – The Orleans Town Council met Wednesday, January 3, for its first Work/Study Session of 2024. The meeting also served as the Council’s Annual Reorganizational meeting for the new year.
John F. Noblitt was re-elected to serve as Council President for 2024.

Council members agreed to keep the Council meeting dates and times the same for the new year. A general work/study session is held on the first Wednesday of each month, beginning at 9:00 a.m. The regular town council meeting will remain on the third Thursday of each month at 5:00 p.m.
All current town department heads were retained for 2024 in their current capacity. A legal services contract was again approved for John-Paul Isom to serve as Town Attorney.

The council also made several appointments for the coming year. Randy Clark was tapped to serve as the town’s Indiana 15 Regional Planning Commission representative. John Noblitt will continue to serve on the Orange County Solid Waste Board, and Clark will serve as the town’s representative on the Orange County Economic Development Partnership (OCEDP).