BEDFORD- The Hope Resource Center is gearing up for a fun and tasty fundraiser. In the last week of January, several local restaurants will host the “Week of Hope”, an event where volunteers from local churches work to raise money for Hope Resource Center.

“It’s just a fun and great way to support Hope,” said April Haskett, executive director of Hope Resource Center. Volunteers from 16 area churches will act as servers in restaurants around Bedford to earn tips that go directly to Hope. The dates and locations are as follows:
Monday, January 22: Golden Corral and Denny’s
Tuesday, January 23: Smokin Jim’s BBQ
Thursday, January 25: Holt’s Cafe

Hope Resource Center is a non-profit pregnancy care center and medical clinic whose aim is to help the men and women of Lawrence County who are navigating some of life’s most difficult challenges. They make an impact by offering medical care, testing, and educational programs.
For more information about Hope Resource Center visit their website here.