BEDFORD – Altrusa of Bedford met on Monday, January 8, at the Southland Church of Christ Annex.
Vice President Kathleen Row presided. Judi Early recorded the minutes. Members provided dinner.
Donna Rainey told the group she delivered Christmas items to CORE nursing home and has begun buying for next Christmas. Loretta Bailey took 25 magazines to each of the six area nursing homes. Sign-up for Lawrence County Museum volunteers was circulated.
Kathleen Row submitted two names for prospective memberships and they were approved. Prospects will be invited to the February meeting.

Altrusa members distributed 25 Christmas meal baskets to needy families with assistance from the Southland Church of Christ Wednesday night ladies’ prayer group.
The Caps-to-Benches project will soon reach 1,400 caps, moving toward the goal of 2,200. Caps are sorted on Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. until 3 p.m. Caps may be dropped off at the Bedford Parks Department office.

Patty Kirkman and Becky Bailey will apply for an International Service Award from the district for our support of the Daughters of Ruth project in Thailand.
The next meeting will be held on February 12 at the Southland Church of Christ Annex at 5:30 p.m.. Becky Bailey, Karen Weaver, and Tammy Harrell will provide a meal.
If you are interested in Altrusa, please contact Becky Bailey at 812-583-0961 for information.
Group Photo – Altrusa members l to r: Tammy Harrell, Sara Kern, Kathleen Row, Donna Rainey & Becky Bailey sorting caps
Kelly Myers distributing one of 25 Christmas meals given to needy families in December.