BLOOMINGTON – Former Bloomington Fire Chief Jason Moore has announced his candidacy in the caucus for City Council District 5 to fill the vacancy created by Shruti Rana’s resignation.

Jason brings 23 years of public service experience and is a United States Air Force veteran. He recently served as fire chief for the City and brings in-depth institutional knowledge about City finances, the legislative processes, and other core functions required of an elected official. He has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and a second Master’s Degree in Science of Management with a minor in Project Management and leadership training through the Professional Military Education program.
Beyond his work with the City, he is active in the community, serving on several boards and councils, including the past president of the Leadership Bloomington Monroe County Alumni Board. As a father of two boys who attend Rogers-Binford, he also works to help with the Cub Scout and 4-H programs.

“My name is Jason Moore. Some of you may know me from my former role as the Fire Chief for Bloomington. Like many others, I was saddened by the resignation notice of our first woman of color elected to the City Council, Shruti Rana. I know it was a difficult decision for her, and after hearing the news, I reached out to her to thank her for her work and wish her well on her new opportunity.
There is no easy way to say it, but the functions of government must carry on, and to that point, I am asking to meet/talk with you to discuss how I can gain your support to fill the District 5 City Council vacancy. I am stepping up to continue serving the city’s residents, whom my family and I love. While this would change how I serve, compared to my previous role, it is important to know that my previous experience will make me more effective for our community.
Undoubtedly, you will ask yourself, “Why Jason?” My 23 years of public service experience and in-depth institutional knowledge will reduce the learning curve and let me get to work immediately. As fiscal responsibilities are a primary function of a City Councilmember, my eight budget cycles of experience help me understand the complexities of the City’s finances. When it comes to handling legislation, ordinances, municipal codes, and resolutions, I have hands-on experience. Perhaps the most important reason is that the elected City and County officials are people I have collaborated with over the years. I look forward to being a great team player and continuing collaboration with them as we face major challenges,
I am deeply committed to meeting people where they are to increase their access to those who make decisions that affect their lives. Ultimately, I believe everyone deserves respect and a leader who will continually work hard to improve public trust and will reach out to and amplify voices often left out of the discussions.
While I have an idea of priority issues to address as a Councilmember, based on my experience working for the City and living in this community, I want to hear from each of you to help refine my priorities and provide other perspectives. I look forward to meeting/talking with you and want your vote so I can continue serving the Bloomington residents!
Jason Moore
For additional information contact Jason Moore at Moore4Bloomington@gmail.com.