BEDFORD – On Tuesday, January 9, a Bedford man was sentenced to the Indiana Department of Correction by Lawrence Superior Court I Judge John M. Plummer III after failing to comply with the terms of his probation.

On November 4, 2020, Paul Diehl, 49, pled guilty to a charge of possession of methamphetamine, a Level 4 felony, as a part of a negotiated plea agreement with the State of Indiana. He was sentenced to six years in the Indiana Department of Corrections, with the recommendation that he may file for a sentence modification upon successful completion of Recovery While Incarceration. Diehl filed for the modification of the terms of his sentence, and Judge Plummer III modified Diehl’s prison sentence, releasing him from prison and suspending 825 days to supervised probation.
However, Diehl violated his probation by being charged with a new criminal offense and failing to comply with the terms of probation.
As a result, Judge Plummer III revoked Diehl’s suspended sentence, sentencing him to 825 days at IDOC.

“This is another example of the judicial system giving incarcerated individuals a chance to come out of prison early after completing programming and allowing them the opportunity to become productive members of society, but also holding these individuals accountable for their actions,” said Deputy Prosecutor Sarah Cummings.