Temporary ramp and lane closures are scheduled along I-65 in Jackson County

JACKSON CO. — Indiana Department of Transportation maintenance crews are scheduled to reduce north and southbound I-65 temporarily to one lane and close the I-65 on-ramps beginning this week for bridge repair work in Seymour and Crothersville.

On or after Monday, January 29, crews will begin to alternate reducing northbound and southbound I-65 to one lane, as well as alternate closing the northbound I-65 on-ramp from westbound U.S. 50 and the southbound I-65 on-ramp from eastbound U.S. 50 at the I-65 bridge (mm 50) over U.S. 50 in Seymour for bridge maintenance work. The northbound I-65 on-ramp from eastbound U.S. 50 and the southbound I-65 ramp from westbound U.S. 50 will remain open.

On or after Monday, January 29, crews will also begin to alternate, reducing northbound and southbound I-65 to one lane and closing the southbound I-65 on-ramp from southbound U.S. 31 at the I-65 bridge (mm 36) over U.S. 31 in Crothersville for bridge maintenance work.


Crews will be actively working Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Work is expected to take up to four days, weather permitting.

Motorists should use the adjacent I-65 on-ramps at each location while the single I-65 on-ramp closures are in place.

INDOT reminds drivers to slow down, avoid distractions, and consider worker safety when traveling in and near work zones. All work is weather-dependent and schedules are subject to change.