BLOOMINGTON – On Thursday, January 25, 2024, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office gratefully received 60 Automatic External Defibrillators (AED).

The purchase of the AEDs was made possible through a collaborative effort of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners and Monroe County Council utilizing the General Obligation Bond to fund the purchase. The funding provided was sufficient to equip every patrol deputy vehicle and jail transport vehicle with an AED and place an AED on each Monroe County Correctional Center floor.

“These AEDs will allow Monroe County Sheriff’s Office personnel to immediately begin lifesaving measures if they are first responders to a cardiac event,” Sheriff Ruben Marté stated. We appreciate the Commissioners’ and Council’s supportive efforts in purchasing this important equipment. The Sheriff’s Office is assigning these new lifesaving devices to our Deputies and Correctional Officers who are already trained in their use.”
Additionally, a trauma kit, including additional first aid supplies, was purchased for each patrol deputy vehicle.
The AED order with Heart Reach Medical, who donated five additional Cardiac Science Power Heart G5
AEDs to further our reach to serve the community better. Heart Reach Medical is a sister organization of
Bolt for the Heart (Heart Reach Carmel Inc.), is an organization that focuses on equipping non-profits with
lifesaving equipment. These AEDs have a six to eight-year battery life expectancy, with replacement batteries available directly through Heart Reach.