BEDFORD – Food, Fun, 4-H is a free, at-home cooking program that unites families in the kitchen and at the dinner table. This program gets young people in the kitchen and provides experience preparing home-cooked meals, trying new foods, encouraging family time, developing communication skills, and having fun.

In partnership with Lost River Market & Deli and IU Center for Rural Engagement, Purdue Extension-Lawrence County will offer a Meal Kit Program during February, March, and April.
Roughly every two weeks, families will pick up their box on Thursdays from the Purdue Extension-Lawrence County office from 11:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. on February 29, March 14, April 4, and April 18.
Boxes will contain the ingredients and recipes for three dishes (enough servings for a family of four). Families are encouraged to take their boxes home, explore them, and create their own dishes. Boxes will also contain other educational materials and family challenges.
Families will then be asked to submit a photo before receiving their next box. Families that complete all four kits are eligible for additional incentives.
You do not have to be a cooking expert to sign up. The recipes and materials will show you each step from start to finish. We want you to have fun. Space is limited, and the program is open to the first fifteen families that register. You do not have to be a 4-H member or affiliated to participate.
To submit your registration, visit https://bit.ly/FF4H24.
If you have questions, feel free to contact the Purdue Extension-Lawrence County Office at 812-275-4623 by emailing the 4-H Extension Educator, Lesley Lodmell, at lodmell@purdue.edu or the Community Wellness Coordinator, Annie Eakin, aeakin@purdue.edu.
For more information about other 4-H subjects in Lawrence County or the 4-H program,
visit https://extension.purdue.edu/Lawrence. If you have questions about Lawrence County 4-H,
call Lesley Lodmell, 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator, at 812-275-4623.