WEST LAFAYETTE — Do you want to learn how to get the most out of your property? Make plans to attend the 2024 Ohio River Valley Woodlands and Wildlife Workshop on March 23 and learn best practices directly from extension specialists from Purdue University, Ohio State University, and the University of Kentucky.
The event, set to take place from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Clifty Inn at Clifty Falls State Park (1650 Clifty Hollow Road, Madison, Indiana), will offer educational sessions such as managing invasive plants, managing woodlands for birds, the use of prescribed fire and more.

“The workshop is an excellent opportunity to learn many aspects of managing the wildlife, forest, and aquatic resources on your property,” Purdue Extension wildlife specialist Brian MacGowan said. “Attendees will also be able to meet other woodland owners and share ideas.”
Sessions will begin at 9 a.m. with concurrent talks on:
- Learning About Growing Christmas Trees
- Tree Identification
- Deer Impact Toolbox
At 10 a.m., attendees will choose from sessions on:
- Managing Woodland Invasive Plants
- Forest Soils 101
- Capturing Clear Images Using Simple Techniques
At 11 a.m., attendees can learn about:
- Intro to Honeybees and Beekeeping
- White Oak Initiative
- Forestry for the Birds
Two more educational sessions will be offered after a buffet lunch, which is included in the registration fee.
At 1 p.m., attendees can select from:
- Spotted Lanternfly: Where Is It Now?
- Prescribed Fire and Oak Management
- The Eastern Hellbender
At 2 p.m., sessions include:
- Rain Gardens: Planting Our Way to Water Quality
- Ohio Maple Toolbox
- Owls of the Tristate
Register for the workshop online. Early registration is available through March 4 at $47 per person. Beginning March 5, the registration rate increases to $65 per person.
Lodging for the event is available at the Clifty Inn for a special rate of $107 plus tax per night until Feb. 23. Ask for group code 0323WO. Contact the inn at 877-563-4371 or book your room online at www.indianainns.com using the group name “0323WO.”
The Ohio Valley Woodlands and Wildlife Workshop is hosted by the Purdue Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue FNR Extension, and the Indiana Forestry and Woodland Owners Association. University of Kentucky Extension and Ohio State University Extension will provide additional support.