BEDFORD – Lawrence County Sheriff Greg Day reported to the commissioners that the sheriff’s department is fully staffed as of Tuesday morning.
Deputy Whitney Daugherty is recovering from an injury, and Sgt. Anthony Pope Jr. is back in the United States after serving our country. Both are expected back on duty in the next few weeks.
“Sgt. Pope is back in the US from his military leave and we expect him to resume his duties in a few weeks,” added Sheriff Day. “Capt. Andrew Phillips was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. A nicer or better individual you won’t find anywhere. He is in our thoughts and prayers.”

An inspection of the jail noted that several security issues needed to be addressed to keep them up to date and meet safety standards for the inmates and staff.
Sheriff Day reported the engineers were at the Sheriff’s Department today to establish a plan for the project.

One of the most significant was replacing the old security cameras with new ones.
The new security systems will:
- Bring security measures up to date with 2023 jail standards
- Improve video quality
- Increase video duration
- Address/minimalize camera blind spots
- Add audio recording
- Fix the jail door interlock system
Sheriff Greg Day reported 103 inmates housed at the jail this morning; of those, 84 were males, 19 were females, 16 were Department of Correction holds, there was a parole hold, and seven were Level 6 felons.