BEDFORD- Be sure to join Becky’s Place on Saturday, March 2, for their annual Shelterbration at a new location, the Lawrence County Fairgrounds Expo Center. The event will feature residents’ success stories, online and live auctions, and the Becky’s Place awards. Be sure to wear your best Mardi Gras attire. There will also be a performance by the band My Yellow Rickshaw.
Becky’s Place is a shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence or homelessness, and they also offer support in other ways. “Our goal is to keep families together,” said Cheri Bush, the Director of Mission Advancement for Catholic Charities. They provide help with referrals and other facets of obtaining a permanent residence, and not only to women, although that is their main focus.

Becky’s Place is still selling tickets and is seeking sponsors. The tickets are $50 and sponsorships start at $600. Expect a night of good food from Carla’s Catering. Your ticket includes dinner and two drinks. Jugglers, a photo booth, and a 50/50 raffle are just a few of the ways you can expect to be entertained. Click the link for more information, to purchase tickets, or to sponsor the event.