BLOOMINGTON – The Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market accepts applications from area farmers, growers, local businesses, and individuals with food and beverage stands who want to sell their products at the Farmers’ Market during the 2024 season.

Farm vendors selected and approved to sell at the Farmers’ Market must reside and produce farm goods in Indiana and are expected to participate substantially in producing goods offered for sale.
Farmers who wish to sell at the Farmers’ Market must apply online or call 812-349-3700 to receive a paper application. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. Feb. 21 to receive full consideration. There is a $20 application fee for farm vendor spaces.

Applications from food and beverage artisans are evaluated using criteria including menu, price, product balance, customer satisfaction, use of local products, and location of business, with preference given to companies located in Bloomington.

Food and beverage artisans who wish to sell prepared food and beverages at the Market must apply online or call 812-349-3700 to receive a paper application. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. Feb. 21 to receive full consideration. There is no application fee for prepared food and beverage vendor spaces.
The Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market is located at 401 N. Morton St., just south of Bloomington’s City Hall. The Farmers’ Market is held on Saturdays from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. April through September and from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in October. In November, the Saturday Market moves to the Pavilion in Switchyard Park, 1601 S. Rogers St., open from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. the first four Saturdays in November.
The Tuesday Market takes place at Switchyard Park every Tuesday from 4 until 7 p.m., June through September, on the plaza outside the Pavilion building.

For more information about applying to sell local farm products or applying for food and beverage artisan vending space at the Farmers’ Market, contact Clarence Boone via email or call 812-349-3738.
The Bloomington Community Farmers’ Market, established in 1974, celebrates its 50th anniversary this summer! For updates on special 50th anniversary celebrations and events at the Market during 2024, subscribe to the weekly Farmers’ Market e-newsletter.