BEDFORD- Are you ready to make meaningful change in your community and have fun? Of course you are, so what are you waiting for? Sign up for the Coldest Night of the Year on February 24, a winterrific family-friendly walk/run taking place across the country, and raise funds for your local charity, the Men’s Warming Shelter, which serves those facing hurt, hunger, and homelessness.

Registration begins at 4 pm at First Christian Church, and the event will kick off at 5 pm. There are two routes you can take for the event, a one-mile course or a 5k, both of which loop around the shelter. If you stop in for a break at the shelter, you can tour the facility and meet some staff and guests. At 6 pm, a soup supper will be at First Christian Church, followed by an award ceremony. Once awards are given out, everyone is encouraged to stop at the sanctuary and pray for the homeless and needy.
“The Coldest Night is a nationwide event,” said Heather Flynn, coordinator of the event for the Warming Center, “we were looking for a way to bring the community together and support the Shelter.” Coldest Night of the Year aims to raise funds for local charities, and all of the proceeds from the event will go directly to The Men’s Warming Shelter of Lawrence County.
Sponsors for the event are Hoosier Hills Credit Union, Sherwood Oaks Christian Church, Thomas Insurance Service, Indiana Health Centers, Ladies of Columbus, and Superior Kiln and Mill Service.
The Men’s Warming Shelter is seeking additional sponsors and run/walk participants to reach its goal of $20,000. They have raised $6,381 and have quite a way to go. You can visit cnoy.com/bedford to register or sponsor this much-needed event for our community’s homeless.