INDIANAPOLIS- In less than two months, Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales has traveled thousands of miles to represent his office and the Hoosier state.
Secretary Morales started off the new year by hitting the road and delivering election improvement grants to counties across the state. This comes after visiting all 92 counties within his first 6 months in office, asking county clerks what tools and resources they needed.

As of today, Secretary Morales has officially hand-delivered grant checks to 64 recipient counties. The total value of grant money distributed statewide is approximately 2 million dollars. This funding is being utilized for a wide variety of improvements, such as voter outreach efforts, additional signage, security upgrades, and more. County clerks and election administrators were extremely gracious when accepting the needed funding. These timely resources come ahead of the 2024 Primary and General Election.
In addition to visiting every corner of Indiana, Secretary Morales represented the Hoosier state on the international level by serving as a credentialed International Election Observer in El Salvador. He was there for the country’s Presidential and legislative elections earlier this month. Secretary Morales met with several leaders, voters, and poll workers while in El Salvador. He gained a valuable understanding of how elections are held in El Salvador and shared insights on the election process in Indiana. Secretary Morales is an experienced, credentialed International Election Observer. This is his second time serving in the official role in less than a year.
Last week, Secretary Morales attended the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) Winter Conference in Washington D.C. At the conference, I connected with fellow Secretaries and leaders from across the country. Secretary Morales took the time to engage in discussion about election integrity, increasing voter turnout, and ongoing securities efforts. As Co-Chair of the Securities Committee, Secretary Morales led the NASS Securities Meeting.
“The past seven weeks have been packed and productive, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am committed to serving every county of the Hoosier state on a national and international platform. We started off 2024 strong, and we’re ready to keep the momentum going,” said Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales.
As the General Assembly is in session, Secretary Morales continues to diligently work on several bills related to divisions under his office.