BEDFORD – Lawrence Superior Court I Judge John M. Plummer III found that Christopher Agee violated his probation and sentenced him to the Indiana Department of Corrections.
After a conviction for dealing methamphetamine, Agee was sentenced to a term of probation following his jail time.
In December 2021, Christopher Agee was ordered to report to probation for a drug screen and to meet with his probation officer. He did not report as instructed.
After being wanted on a failure to appear warrant for over two years, his probation was revoked and terminated unsuccessfully. His previously suspended sentence of two and a half years is ordered to be executed in the IDOC.
Chief Deputy Prosecutor Joshua Scherschel stated, “Probation is not a right, it is a privilege. If someone is unwilling to comply with the probation requirements, the only reasonable solution is time in jail or prison.”