BEDFORD- The Bedford Rotary Club hosts a toast, not a roast, annually to raise money for the John Williams Memorial Scholarship. Donna Brumbaugh, a member of the Bedford Rotary Club, stopped by WBIW to be a guest on The Talk of the Town program to chat about the toast and the scholarship.

This year’s toast will honor James Lee Hutchinson, a 98-year-old World War 2 veteran and Bedford resident who was a local school teacher and author.
This is the 12th year for the event, which was named after its first honoree, longtime Bedford Mayor John Williams. Brumbaugh filled us all in on the history of the event on Talk of the Town:
The Toast will occur at First Baptist Church at 1515 20th Street in Bedford. The doors to the event open at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 24, and hors d’oeuvres will be served until the meal begins at 5:00 p.m. The entertainment starts at 6:00 when it’s time to toast James Lee Hutchinson, and the Rotary Club promises to deliver an evening of fellowship and fun.
The John Williams Memorial Scholarship is worth $1,000 and is awarded to one outstanding student yearly. In addition, speech and essay contests each award two $500 scholarships to the chosen winners.
Tickets for the event are $20 each, and all proceeds will fund the scholarships the Rotary Club will award this year. You can purchase tickets from the Bedford Chamber of Commerce, Copy Trolley, or a Rotary Club Member.
To listen to Donna Brumbaugh on Talk of the Town, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.