INDIANA- National Love Your Pet Day is celebrated on February 20th for pet lovers to show their affection for their best friends. Although pet lovers do that every day, this day is just an excuse for them to do that even more.

For pet owners, they are not only our pets but our best friends and our family. The bond between pets and their humans is one of the strongest to exist on this planet.
Pets love us unconditionally, so today is all about doing the same for them.
National Love Your Pet Day is about making all pets feel special. Whether they are dogs, cats, fish, reptiles, birds, or rodents, it does not matter.
This day should not be confused with National Pet Day, which is celebrated on April 11.

Make sure your pet has a happy National Love Your Pet Day by doing all of their favorite things! Most pets are happy just getting any attention, so don’t forget to cuddle and play with them a lot today. The way to some pets’ hearts is through their stomach, so get your pet their favorite, most delicious treats, it is a special day after all. This day is also the perfect excuse to spoil them with a new toy. Finally, if your pet enjoys being outside, take them somewhere new, like the beach or a big park, and let them explore the world.
We are all very proud of our pets, so we love to show them off. National Love Your Pet Day is the perfect excuse to flood your social media with cute images and photos of your pets!
If you want to share the love but don’t own a pet, National Love Your Pet Day is the perfect opportunity to talk to some shelters about the possibility of adopting one.